The 10" Kinect / SLS Camera, as explained by Ghost Hunter Store,"This camera will detect humans and animals in absolute darkness or full light. It also seems to see bodies when there is nothing there the naked eye can see, spirits? It works much like the SLS Camera at a fraction of the cost! You can record video directly to the tablet or to SD card. We detected person shaped objects standing and then sitting on the floor or standing next to a table and petting our trigger prop during the first few weeks of using it!"
Any money made by donations, our YouTube channel, Podcasting, etc. goes to new equipment, and traveling expenses to places requested by our viewers. Places we choose to investigate are not funded by any of the mentioned above methods.
To donate, simply head to our 'About' page and scroll to the very bottom. The Donation button will be there!
The 10" Kinect / SLS Camera, as explained by Ghost Hunter Store,"This camera will detect humans and animals in absolute darkness or full light. It also seems to see bodies when there is nothing there the naked eye can see, spirits? It works much like the SLS Camera at a fraction of the cost! You can record video directly to the tablet or to SD card. We detected person shaped objects standing and then sitting on the floor or standing next to a table and petting our trigger prop during the first few weeks of using it!"
Any money made by donations, our YouTube channel, Podcasting, etc. goes to new equipment, and traveling expenses to places requested by our viewers. Places we choose to investigate are not funded by any of the mentioned above methods.
To donate, simply head to our 'About' page and scroll to the very bottom. The Donation button will be there!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you charge any money?
A: No. We do not charge any money. If a client lives further away, then we may ask for money solely for gas expenses. But other than that; no. Donations however are accepted, but not required for our assistance.
Q: I'm experiencing activity in my home. Should I sage my home?
A: The answer to that question varies, and is specific to the client's situation. Sage is not the 'go to' for every situation, and so we cannot advise a client without conducting a preliminary investigation.
Q: Are you certified to do a house blessing?
A: The answer to this question, is no. Believing in full transparency, we are not certified for house blessings. However, thanks to the community we're organizing comprised of other investigators, we do have access to those who are. An example would be a Native American shaman, and an exorcist Bishop. If our findings conclude the need for a house blessing is in order, we will reach out to our contacts for them to perform the appropriate blessing.
Q: I think a demon is in my home. What should I do?
A: It is very uncommon, but not impossible, for an actual demon to be in someone's home. The most common ways an actual demon can enter a home is either by attaching to a person from another location, or being summoned. The most common way to summon a demon is through an Ouija Board. Ouija Boards can be catalysts for demonic summonings or rituals. Some basic advisements would be to not sage your home, as sage only angers demons. Another advisement that's easier said than done is to not show fear. Demons are negative entities that feed off of negative emotions, such as fear and anger.
If you believe you're truly under a demonic attack, please feel free to email us. The more descriptive you are, the better you can help us in assisting you.