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Down below is the list of podcasters that have been invited on the podcast. Each of their pictures are linked to either their websites (if applicable) or their podcast. 

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Southern Demonology

Southern Demonology is a podcast that explores angelology, demonology, ghosts, spirits, and monsters from antiquity to the modern day through an academic lens.


Curious Things Investigations

Do you hear strange noises in your property? Do you see things that you just can't explain? Do you wonder if your departed is still around keeping an eye on you. We are a professional team who is here to help you out.

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Cookeville's newest local witchy shop.


Hours of operation: Tuesday - Saturday 

9:00am - 11:00am

12:00pm - 6:00pm

(Times are in Central Time)


Ghost Hunter Advice

Ever wonder what it's like to ghost hunt? What equipment do you need? How do you get access to locations to investigate?


20 year veteran paranormal and licensed private investigator Tanner answers these questions, interviews experts, and shares the stories of the haunted.


send your questions to


Nicholean Radio

Join Host and world-renowned Nicholean Catholic Exorcist Bishop, Esotericist and Metaphysician +Bryan D.Ouelette, SOSM for an extraordinary evening podcast that explores the paranormal, the occult, esotericism, metaphysics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and so much more.

           © 2023

Cookeville Ghost Hunters.

     All rights reserved.

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